04/10/2013 05/10/2013 sightseeing in and around Copacabana/Isla del Sol
2013-10-05 click for more |
We leisurely
explored the Basilica and market before climbing the mountain
overlooking Copacabana with its beautiful religious statues and
monuments. Getting used to a new currency all over again takes time
and we had the initial impression that the market prices were
inflated for Gringos as it was cheaper to eat in a restaurant than to buy the individual ingredients. Either way it remains incredibly
cheap . Lunch was fresh trout seen coming off the fishing boats and
into the restaurants before appearing on our plate shortly afterwards
. You can't get fresher than that. The only fly in the ointment came
when we had to pay the bill . The bill was 60 Bs and we paid with a
note of 100 and the stall owner insisted for some time that the
change was 30 and not 40 . She gave in eventually but we're certain
that she wasn't trying to fiddle us but rather that she couldn't
count .
there was a prolonged thunderstorm with torrential rainfall that made
sleeping difficult but when a storm is that violent it's quite
entertaining and you don't mind . When we got up for breakfast we
discovered that the hotel had leaked like a sieve and the staff were
busy mopping up everywhere . Perhaps the rain will compensate
fractionally for the 10 cm/year fall in the water level of Lake
Titicaca due to the slow disappearance of the Andean snow top..
The Island of
the Sun is where the Inca lineage is supposed to have begun and our
two hour boat there was beautiful surrounded as we were by the vast
expanse of the lake bordered by the mountains . The boat dropped us
off at the northern end of the island and we first headed to the Inca
ruins and overlooking mountain at the most northern tip before
trekking south for four hours to the southern boat pick up point
where tourists ,Alpacas , donkeys and locals all mixed together
either getting on or off their respective boats . The only red faced
moment was when we were asked to move aside as a Bolivian women of
seventyish skipped down the steep steps leading to the harbour
whilst carrying her load and leading her donkey. I'll have whatever
she's on .
Back on the
bikes for a two day stage to La Paz tomorow
In case you hadn't noticed we love the snow capped mountain views! |
Brilliant pictures , including all the snowy mountains , stunning !!