Wednesday, 14 August 2013

stage 2 Quito-Latacunga by malcandmarjetpatterson at Garmin Connect - Details

stage 2 Quito-Latacunga by malcandmarjetpatterson at Garmin Connect - Details
12/08/13 Quito to Latacunga
Leaving Quito by bike in the early morning rush hour was an experience I wouldn't like to repeat. It was mad with traffic coming at you from all directions. But we made a safe exit and once we had climbed out onto the panamerican highway we were treated to some fantastic views. The going was very tough and when I realised it had taken us nearly 3 hours to cover 20 km I began to think that we might have to revise our plan. Luckily some downhill helped us to cover the ground quickly but just after 11 we started climbing seriously. After about an hour my legs started to fail me I just didn't seem to have any strength left. So in true Patterson style we found some food to cheer me up. It is almost impossible to by bread but you can always find a little place where you can buy an almuerzo for about $2.- Invariably this consist of a large bowl of soup followed by rice and some chickpea mix and usually a bit of meat that could be chicken. Included in the meal is a large glass of squash as well. With frequent stops we did make it into latacunga which turned out to be a fascinating place much more attractive then Quito.

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