Thursday, 14 November 2013

12/11/2013 Stage 63 Quemchi - Chonche

2013-11-12 click for more
12/11/2013 Stage Quemchi - Chonchi by malcandmarjetpatterson at Garmin Connect - Details
12/11/13 Stage 63   Quemchi to Chonchi
We left Quemchi after waiting an hour for the rain to stop only for it to restart immediatley again. After 3 months of virtually no rain and never a need to push on in waterproof gear today was proving to be very different. We had toyed with doing the coastal route ,dipping down into the little villages with their individual churches but this would have meant staying on ripio most of the day and doing lots of in and outs to visit the vilages, which is fine in a car but hard work on a bike. We decided eventually to head for the main North to South spinal road and head for Castro. The weather only worsened during the middle of the day and we sheltered several times in the bus stops changing clothes frequently. You're either too hot or too cold or too wet.
Castro was pretty and allowed us to check out ferry times. Unfortunately the ferry, although leaving roughly when we thought it was,was now scheduled to arrive in Puerto Chacabuco 4 hrs later at 2pm, which makes the ongoing connections impossible to achieve. We managed to buy the tickets at least which was reassuring but would probably end up pushing everything back by 2 days due to the delayed arrival.I suppose that allows us to take more time over the days when we get off the ferry.
In the afternoon the weather cleared so we took the opportunity ( as you have to) to push on to Chonchi where we found a nice seaside hotel.

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