Tuesday, 19 November 2013

17/11/2013 Stage 67 El Blanco – Chili Chico

2013-11-17 click for more
17/11/2013 Stage 67 El Blanco – Chili Chico by malcandmarjetpatterson at Garmin Connect - Details
Garmin cut out several times during the ride and I forgot to switch it on after the ferry crossing.
17/11/2013 Stage 67 El Blanco – Chili Chico
We woke up to a very overcast sky and blustery wind and were greeted affectionately by the dog from the night before. Fortunately the wind was still blowing in the right direction for us. We quickly broke camp and were on our way. We knew there would be a lot of climbing today from the Garmin Basecamp programme. We both prefer to have some idea of what lies ahead so you can prepare for it in your head. This cycling lark has more to do with the mind than the body. You can always push on another mile if the mind is willing. As we slowly climbed up we realised the dog was following. At first we weren't too concerned. He wasn't the first dog to follow us after all but he was still there after 50 km and we didn't know how to stop him. He was a well fed dog with a clean coat but we could only assume he was a stray in need of some company. We thought he would stop following once we picked up speed on the down hills. Twice we thought he had gone but he turned up again when we stopped for breaks. The second time with paws bleeding. We felt awful. This trip I have absolutely hated some dogs that have come chasing after me growling and barking and have had my heart in my mouth repeatedly as I feared they were going to bite me. But we have also met some lovely dogs and this one was the nicest most affectionate dog ever (apart from Diesel of course) and it hurt to see him like this and knowing that we could do nothing for him.
Our waterproof gear was fully tested again today as it continued to rain for hours on end. The Goretex lined over boots which had been sitting in the bottom of our bags unused for months sure proved themselves worthwhile. We were warm and more or less dry and I didn't really mind the rain. On reaching Puerto Ibanez we found a little spot out of the howling wind and made some coffee and eat empenada's ( the S.A. Pasty equivalent) while we waited for the ferry. We were worried the dog would turn up again but this time we had managed to lose him.

The sun decided to come out and the 2 hour crossing with views back to Cerro de Castillo were superb if a little hair raising. The boat was seriously leaning at times and waves were crashing on the windows. We were surprised that we were allowed on deck where we had to cling onto the railings. It was pretty wild. 
Should have been sponsored by Gore Tex

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