Untitled by malcandmarjetpatterson at Garmin Connect - Details
03/09/13 Stage Caraz to Huaraz
The last 36 hrs had been a bit of a disaster in
many ways , the kindle awoke with the screen of death
, my phone [essential for navigation ]broke down ,
and to top it all we left the wallet with £125, because we had just
been to the cashpoint machine and two debit cards in a cake shop
never to be seen again . Fortunately we found a market area where
there were several stalls selling refurbished phones and also doing
repairs and after a lot of negotiating we ended up with a fully
functioning phone again .
Tomorrow is a rest day partially to acclimatise
before ascending to 4800m over the following two days and partly to
try to sort out the route which doesn't appear on any google maps .
Fortunately it's been done often enough before and we can read other
peoples blogs to find clues as to where to turn off get water/food
etc .
These photos are fantastic! not so great about the technology failure and money!
ReplyDeleteOh dear hope the cake was worth it !!